Monad Technical Details

Consensus Algorithm

MonadBFT: HotStuff with the improvement proposed in Jolteon/DiemBFT/Fast-HotsStuff

MonadBFT is a high-performance consensus mechanism for achieving agreement about the transaction ordering under partially synchronous conditions in the presence of Byzantine actors. It is a derivative of HotStuff with the improvement proposed in Jolteon/DiemBFT/Fast-HotStuff which is the reduction from three rounds to two rounds by utilizing quadratic communication complexity in the event of leader timeout. MonadBFT is a pipelined two-phase BFT algorithm with optimistic responsiveness, and with linear communication overhead in the common case and quadratic communication in the case of a timeout. As in most BFT algorithms, communication proceeds in phases; at each phase, the leader sends a signed message to the voters, who send signed responses to the following leader. Pipelining allows the quorum certificate (QC) or timeout certificate (TC) for block k to piggyback on the proposal for block k+1.

Performance Metrics
Transactions Per Second (TPS)10,000
Gas Per Second1.25M
Finality Time1 second
Throughput Techniques
  • Optimized parallel execution
  • Custom virtual machine